Why Fayette County, Indiana?


Jim has 3 generations of ancestors (shown below) who lived in Fayette County Indiana 1810-1860. They all lived around the Connersville - Springersville area in Waterloo and Jennings Townships. Because of this, this website has a storehouse of information for anyone with ancestors in Fayette County. There are 1856 plat map photos, a partial index of the plat map, and a link to the 1850 census for Fayette County.

                          David Hartzell
                          1805-1860              |
                                                 | James A. Hartsell
                                                 | 1837-1910              |
                                                 |                        |
                          Barbara Nipp           |                        |
                         ------------------------+                        |
                          1815-1880                                       |
 William Walker                                                           |
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 1777-1859              | Joseph Walker                                   |
                        +------------------------+                        |
 Jane Corbet            | 1814-1896              |                        |
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 1783-1855                                       | Sophronia Walker       |
 Thomas Dorsey                                   | 1849-1926
------------------------+                        |
 ~1797-1849             | Sarah Dorsey           |
 Margaret               | 1824-1851              